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Life Changing Principles
Life Changing Principles

What is our goal as a parent? For most, they simply want to raise their kids to be competent adults. Sometimes that can seem like an overwhelming task, especially when our child doesn’t seem to be motivated to do anything! Competence is one of the key components for motivation. When people don’t feel adequate in their ability to complete a task, they are significantly less motivated to even start that task. In this podcast, LeAnn discusses the principle of building competence in order to increase motivation. She will break down different circumstances that can affect your ability to feel competent, including things as simple as your mood at the time when you approach a task. As you understand competence and why it is so important, you can begin to build competence in your children. LeAnn will teach small and simple ways in which you can slowly increase that competence in your kid, which will help them to feel more motivated to do things and become productive individuals all on their own. Let’s go curious.

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