Coaching School for Moms, Dads, & Other Family Leaders
Hi, I'm LeAnn Hunt
I'm a coach, author, speaker, mom, grandma, and educator.
Welcome to Life Changing Membership, where we learn to coach ourselves and our family members. Here you'll learn coaching skills and find a place to practice them. It's like a workout gym for our brain. You'll also find an archive of classes. Our members love it so much that most of them stay a year or more! If you're here because a friend sent you, then welcome - Glad you're here.
I'd love to have you in our calls where I'm know for keeping it real, being down to earth, and leading open discussions with no judgment.
See you inside!
Coaching School - Class Examples
This course will help you deal with stress. Come learn how the stress response really work. Become more in touch with what coping strategies and social support you have and how to use them. This course goes into depth on the research of resilience with the purpose of giving you skills that you can use in your own life.
The classes will be live Tuesday mornings at 9:00 Pacific Time for 6 weeks. If you can’t make it then – you can watch all of the videos and live class recordings any time you like.
The class is interactive and discussion based. Bring your questions and willingness to learn.
- Sustained Resilience
- The Stress Response
- Faith & Social Support
- Coping
- Cognitive Reframing
- Mindfulness
This course will give you a deeper understanding of your compassionate self. Based on the Harvard class, it will be full of research on how to develop compassion for both yourself and others. Learning the history and psychology of compassion will help you direct your own good will and deeds to really help those around you.
The classes will be live Tuesday mornings at 9:00 Pacific Time for 15 weeks. If you can’t make it then – you can watch all of the videos and live class recordings any time you like.
The class is interactive and discussion based. Bring your questions and willingness to learn.
This course will change your relationship with goals. Come learn how goals really work. Become more in touch with what you really want. Be able to choose goals from a position strength rather than turning inward working on your weaknesses.
Learn a new framework for the lifespan and terrain of goals, how our brains respond to the gaps that goals create, how to ride the emotional roller coaster created by goal pursuit, and how micro-goals with brief check-ins create better success and resilience for goal setters.
You’ll understand why goals are hard, how we get lost in the middle of goals, and how this new goal framework can give you traction on your goals including resilience in the face of obstacles and failures.
We will learn the 3 ingredients for human motivation, how to discover what we really want, and how to get rid of “shoulds” by getting to the bottom of who is really asking, learning how to own a goal, and separating principles from stories.
The most powerful part of this goal framework is learning how to goal loop. Goal looping is simple enough for a 7 year old to use it to resolve a bubble gum dispute with her brother and powerful enough to get traction on an entrepreneurial adventure.
New Year’s Resolutions
Goal Terrain
Goal Loops
Failure Moment
Goals versus Goal Loops
Lifetime of Goals
Before a Goal
Choose a Goal
Remember a Goal
Effort & Goals
Track a Goal
Evaluate a Goal
Adjust a Goal
Goal Traction
Check out the book that started it all: Goal Getters, co-authored with Nichole Eck. Available at Amazon, Deseret Book, and BYU Bookstore.
Presenting at BYU Education week August 16-21, 2021!
All about home centered goal setting and how to support your kid’s goals
Brené Brown’s work is life changing! This course takes Brené’s research and puts it into practice.
The course was created by Brené. She created the videos, the curriculum, and the exercises we’ll be doing. As an educator, I bought the course so I could teach her transformative work. If you love Brené’s work, you’ll love this course! It’s not too late to join!
The classes will be live Tuesday mornings at 9:00 for 12 weeks. If you can’t make it then – you can watch all of Brené’s videos and live class recordings any time you like.
The class is interactive and discussion based. Bring your questions and willingness to learn. We will create a safe space to explore vulnerability, shame, and learn to become more resilient when we experience shame.
It’s not too late to join!
The live class runs from April 6th to June 22nd. Even though the class has started, you won’t miss anything because previous weeks are recorded.
Understanding Shame
Defining Shame
Big Webs and Small Boxes
Shame Resilience
Practicing Empathy
Recognizing Shame
Triggers & Vulnerabilities
Shame Screens
Critical Awareness
Reaching Out
Speaking Shame
The class unpacks the viral video about communication, It’s not about the nail. If you haven’t seen it look it up on YouTube! There are many principles housed in the comedic portrayal of the conversation that we can learn from and become better communicators with. With the creators permission we are using it as the inspiration for this short class on communication.
- Introduction
- Reflective Listening
- Naming the Emotion
- I Statements
- Boundaries
- Solutions
These plus other classes all in a binge-worthy portal. Watch it like Netflix.
Right for Anyone
Participate from your phone or computer.
Classes are recorded. Watch on your own schedule.
Multitask as you listen. Learn without getting behind.
Limited time offer
For a limited time you get access to the 3 classes below in addition to the previous class!
4 weeks, September 2020
- Unpacking Perfectionism
- The Gap
- 9 Ingredients of Perfectionism
- Weaknesses and Worth
- Failure & Mistakes
- Self Compassion
4 weeks, October 2020
- Relationships with Adult Kids
- Millennials
- Unpacking
- Influence without Judging
- Remodel Our Homes
4 weeks, December 2020
- Get Kids Interested In Goals (part 1)
- Get Kids Interested In Goals (part 2)
- Children and Youth Tips (part 1)
- Children and Youth Tips (part 2)
What is in a class?
Weekly Content
- Video
- Class recording
- Podcast
- Bonuses
Live Zoom Class
- Live class
- Tues 9:00 am MST
- Interactive discussion
- Bring your questions

I’ve tried it, and it totally works. I never thought it would because I have some emotional teenage girls, and it has been so awesome

There is no one right goal you have to work on. I felt like there are a lot of things I’m supposed to be doing…[LeAnn] always gives that great sense of freedom to me. It’s totally up to me.
Personal Development:
Sense of Self

Growth and Goals


Brain Health
Your life is already working. The way you handle your thoughts and emotions (your emotional lifestyle) affects everything in your life. Our tools help you tweak your emotional lifestyle to get the results you want.
Are you ready to . . .
Instead of avoiding hard things, distracting ourselves, pretending everything’s okay, and numbing our discomfort with a donut, we focus on tools to engage with our lives, our relationships, and our own minds.
Life Changing Membership will take you on a journey of personal development.
We provide the tools you need to change your emotional lifestyle.
But the change is entirely up to you.
New Results
Get new results in your relationships by changing yourself first.
End the cycle of beating yourself up and not ever feeling enough.
Change your actual brain health.
Catapult your personal growth with new tools working from your strengths.