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Goals vs Goal Loops

Life Changing Principles
Life Changing Principles
Goals vs Goal Loops

Understanding the difference between Goals and Goal Loops gives us power over our goals. It feels good to finish a goal. But of course those good feelings don’t last forever. We always return to our baseline of happiness eventually. When we set goals we aren’t just after that happy feeling. Goals help us gain skills, get things we want, strengthen our character traits, and grow. Goals are like having a destination on a map. Goal loops are like pulling out the map and asking ourselves some questions. Where are we? Do we know where to go next? Do we still want to go to our destination? Our goals can sometimes feel like they are bossing us around. We set a goal and our future self isn’t in the mood to do that goal anymore. When we set the goal we can remind ourselves why we set the goal. Sometimes we’ll want to carry on and work harder. Sometimes we’ll want to pivot and adjust the goal. And sometimes we want a new goal entirely. Goal Loops give us the power to adjust our goals because they give us a moment to pause in the middle of the goal. Goal loop questions help us see what’s really happening with our goals, which gives us more control over them. Goal loops also give us an alternative to quitting a goal. No one wants to be a quitter, but doggedly hanging onto a goal that is not serving us is also not helpful. Goal Loops are the perfect time to check in and intentionally shift your goal.

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